• SFX
  • Tutorial for gamepad input
  • Ambient light
  • Enemy AI
  • New game plus(or it would be better to say "new game minus")


This game is a submission to Godot Wild Jam #39 (deadline missed) and GodoGodoJam 2. Cursed Souls is a metroidvania / soulslike game.


Once upon a time in a faraway place there was a King and his trusty knight.  The kingdom was a happy place until the King's daughter disappeared. The King relies on evil forces to search for her daughter and the kingdom fell into obscurity. His trusty knight tried to let him think but he was cursed and closed in a cell...

Move: A/D - Left Stick Left/Right
Jump: Space - DualShock Cross - Xbox A
Roll: Shift - R2
Attack: Mouse Left - DualShock Square - Xbox X
Charged attack: Mouse Right - DualShock Triangle - Xbox Y
Jump attack: (while jumping) Mouse Left - DualShock Square - Xbox X
Fall attack: (while falling) Mouse Left - DualShock Square - Xbox X
Interact: C - DualShock Circle - Xbox B


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